I did a thing
So… this happened. I decided to get another Rottweiler.
This time a male one. The more I live with the breed, the more I get the FOMO of not having a male Rottweiler. The female is a great option to get your toes dipped into the whole universe that is this side of serious dog ownership. I can’t stress enough how serious it is to own a working dog. It’s a massive responsibility to provide the best environment for the dog to reach its potential and also you need to understand this dog has needs. Its needs are most likely very different from the needs of a Beagle or a Pomeranian. We’re talking about obedience training, IGP, protection, ring work and many more. We’re talking martingale and e-collars. No flexi or harness in sight. We’re talking about neutralisation of fire arms instead of meaningless walks in the park.
Serious shit.
And I went through it all with my female Rottweiler. I didn’t get a Rottweiler for the obvious reasons anyways. I got one, because I always loved animals and a Rottweiler guaranties a purist experience when it comes to owning a dog. But it became a hobby. Training her is my therapy. Being out with her is me disconnecting from all the BS. Providing for her is me giving all my love to another living thing. And it’s been incredibly rewarding. She’s the best dog I could wish for. She’s truly a best friend. Getting another dog is not me compensating for what she’s not, it’s me enhancing what she is. I just love this breed. The only downside is their relatively short lifespan. But what they give to you is worth infinite timelines. What an incredible breed!
So, I got a male one. I had to. I needed to.
He’s from a German bloodline with a direct connection to Imperator vom Haus Zschammer - unarguably the most famous male Rottweiler in the history of the breed. 2x world champion. To even have a chance to get a dog from his bloodline is like getting a McLaren F1. And somehow I secured a puppy with his blood. As fancy as this sounds, I fully understand the hard work that is coming my way. The responsibility to prove myself worthy of owning such a dog and the privilege to train him.
I expect him to come home mid September, until then I’ll be preparing West for her new companion. They’ll make a fantastic team. I’m already somewhat aware of the personality of Enzo. Yes, Enzo. He’s very curious and loving. But his mother and father are protection dogs, his father is certified IGP3. Serious animals both of them with unseen drive to work and please. I expect him to succeed them. I’m ready to commit fully to a protection dog.
Enzo, we can’t wait to bring you home! Expect Rottweiler puppy x SLR x Murci content soon!